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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Inevitable Resolution


It's the time of year for resolutions. Before we get into what yours or mine are....

First, let's take a look at the word "resolution." Resolution means a resolve or determination. It's deciding something needs to be done and then creating a course of action to achieve that goal. Think about that before you start naming your resolutions for 2011.

It seems it has been a tradition, if you will, for as long as I can remember, that we make resolutions at the turn of each year. These resolutions are made in the spirit of a new beginning but, unfortunately, are forgotten by the time Valentine's Day rolls around. So rather than JUST tell you what I hope to achieve this year, I want to tell you how to succeed with your own resolutions.

First, make a list. No, really, sit down and physically compile a list of the things you want to do this year. After that, go through the list and decide what what to achieve first and start there. What's most important? The big three are usually financial (make more money, save more money), life milestones (get married, have baby) or fitness related (lose weight). We are going to focus on that last one. 

After you have everything important to you listed, look at each task separately. Make a plan of action. That basically means start listing/brainstorming things you can do to get you closer to your goal. For example, if your goal is to lose weight start thinking of ways to accomplish that task. You might consider getting a gym membership or a workout program and a diet regimen. If it's a big goal, break it up into smaller goals. If you have to lose 50, 60, or 100 pounds, break it up into 10 pounds increments. If you want to run a marathon, start a marathon training guide!  Start with 1 mile, then 3, then 5, and so... until you're where you want to be. 

Once you've decided what your goals are, tell someone. Get a buddy, tell a friend or family member, join a group, etc. Accountability is probably THE BEST way to succeed. Not just in weight loss but in anything. Telling and including others helps hold you accountable.  Maybe that person has similar goals and so you can keep each other honest!  

That's it! Really! Make a list, check it twice, find a helper! You'll do fine.

Good luck!

Have a happy, healthy New Year! 

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