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Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas

So what's on your list this year? Me? I'd like a lot of things but what I really want is to pass on fitness. No really. I want it to catch on and the one's around me begin to see it's really best for them. I wanted to inspire and motivate those around me and help them get healthier.

I'm sure I've been he butt of more than a few jokes. That's fine. This fitness thing makes people uncomfortable. It makes me happy so laugh all you like, I'm gonna keep doing it.

I do have a couple of things to add that make it to the wishlist. :)

For starters, anytime someone buys something from me I'm donating 50 percent of my profits to Toys for Tots. Christmas IS about giving, after all.

Also, all new coaches sign up for free until December 31. Do it now!

I MIGHT want a new pair of Nike's, too. :P

Merry Christmas. Next time we'll talk about Resolutions!

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