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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why to Choose a Home Based Workout Program

Traditionally, getting fit meant getting a gym membership and hitting the machine or treadmill or class every day. Now, I won't say that it's bad to do that. However, I know when I started in my own fitness endeavors I did NOT want to go to a gym. I had my various reasons and I'll talk about some of those, as well as some reasons OTHER people might not want to visit the gym. Really, the goal is to discuss why a home based fitness program might be the one for you.

First, embarrassment. It's okay to admit it. I didn't want to go to a gym in the beginning because I had this image of a room full of hard bodies and then me waddling in. The idea was terrifying so I didn't want to go.

Another reason to choose a home-based workout program is lack of knowledge. Many gyms offer a temporary trainer to help you get started. Many people go and just venture into fitness on their own. The problem with that is we aren't all fitness experts. So a person without knowledge about fitness and nutrition might not see results, might use improper form, might injure themselves or any number of things. Following a home program prevents these things because the instructor WILL know what they're talking about and offer tips for form. Many programs come with additional information to help you with nutrition. Also, calenders tell you what to do and when.

FLEXIBILITY is a BIG reason for me now. I, like most people, lead a busy life. Being able to do workouts on MY schedule is invaluable. At a gym, you have to workout based on their schedule. Not only that, but there is often a time limit for machines, a time limit for daycare, and a time limit for gym hours (with the exception of a few 24 hour gyms). With home-based programs you can workout when it's best for you. This is especially awesome for people with odd work schedules or busy lifestyles.

That's the long and short of what I feel are the major reasons for choosing a home-based workout program. If a gym is just your thing, go for it. But if you're wondering about why one might wish to choose to workout at home or if it's right for you, I hope this article helps!

Good luck!

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