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Friday, September 17, 2010


I come from the no excuses school of fitness. I know that sounds harsh. But that's what works for me. If I constantly gave myself excuses I wouldn't make any progress. I can think of 10 million reasons why I shouldn't work out tomorrow. If I constantly succumbed to that ideal I'd still be 240 pounds. That's why I say "no excuses."

To be more accurate, because I'm sure you're saying to yourself there has to be SOME acceptable reason, there are a reasons not to exercise.'re on your death bed and/or bleeding profusely....

I kid.


Not really.

I'm not saying that if I have 104 temperature I shuffle along in my robe and slippers. If I'm injured I don't hobble along through my routine. I take time to care for myself. Everyone should. What I'm talking about are those days that I set aside for myself to exercise, and then getting there and giving myself reason I don't have to.

It's kind of a pet peeve when someone says, "I just don't have time." Bullshit. You can get in a pretty intense workout in 30 minutes or less. There are probably a million ways to maneuvers\ one's schedule to fit in a 30 minute slot for your health. I am a mother of three and a full time student. There are errands, school events, chores, homework assignments, etc. to be done every single day. My family also requires my time and those relationships are important. If I can make time, I know every one else can. Even when I did everything I do now AND worked two jobs I STILL fit it in. Granted, not as often as I do now, but at least 3 or 4 days a week.

Another common excuse "is this condition or that condition prevents me from working out." No, sorry, no dice. There are very few physical ailments that won't allow physical activity. If you're a paraplegic, sure, you can't move. I won't scold you. If you have one arm.... do one-armed push ups. Bottom line, if you have working body parts then move them. Do whatever you can to make yourself healthy. You only get one life. You only get one body. Take care of it.

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