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Friday, September 10, 2010

A Day in My Diet


I wanted to post up a quick example of how I eat in a typical day. Keep in mind I'm pretty active. On less active days I eat fewer calories (around 1300-1400). On more active days I eat more. Makes sense, right? ;)

Here's today's menu:

7:30 - 1 cup shredded wheat bran with 1/2 cup 1% milk, 2 cups coffee
10:30 - 1/2 cup oatmeal with a handful of almonds (roughly 8 - 10) and a few dried cherries
1:30 - A mixed greens salad with 1/2 a tomato diced, 1 carrot, 2 slices of turkey with lemon juice and pepper.
4:00 - 1/2 c yogurt with a handful of walnuts (about 8)
7:00 - Turkey burgers on whole wheat buns, 1 leaf lettuce, 1 slice of tomato, dill pickle, mayo (made with olive oil) and yellow mustard

I'll have a bunch of water in there and possibly some tea.

This whole day is just under 1600 calories. I have weight lifting and some intense cardio scheduled for today's workouts in addition to my regular daily activity (cleaning house, errands, playing with kids, etc). I'll burn 2500 - 2600 calories. My calorie deficit will be some where around 1000 calories for the day. That's a pretty good deficit if you're looking to lose 1-2 pounds per week. I have a few pounds left so that's good for me. I try to keep my deficit in the 500 - 1000 calories range. When I'm maintaining I won't have that deficit.

If you notice, I'm eating every 2 - 3 hours. My meals aren't very big but they come often. I'm never hungry. I never feel too full, either. This is the best way to maintain energy throughout the day as well as keeping your body in a "fuel burning"mode. Your body is less likely to store fat if it's getting just as much food as it needs often.

I also eat a variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, and whole grains. This way I'm getting everything my body needs and I'm not bored with my meals. I believe in "food as fuel" but I also like to enjoy what I'm eating.

I use to track my meals and activities. Keep in mind it's an estimate but it's a good idea to keep track anyway. Most people underestimate their calorie intake and over estimate their calorie burn. So, keeping track helps eliminate that. In addition, keeping track of your food means you're less likely to "cheat" and eats foods you probably shouldn't, or you're more mindful and can augment your entire daily diet to make up for it, or you can work out a little more.

Remember, healthy living is part exercise, but mostly diet. You need both to see results.

Good luck! :)

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