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Sunday, September 5, 2010

What am I doing?

I've had a couple of friends ask what I'm currently doing so I thought I'd post my workout regimen.

Right now I'm doing a hybrid of Chalean Extreme and Turbo Jam with a little running and Zumba.

Chalean Extreme is a 90 day strength training program that helps you build strong muscles and get lean. There are three 30 day phases. First the Burn, then the Push, then the Lean. There is also some pretty intense cardio interval training involved in the program. Turbo Jam is a more cardio centered program that combines dance and martial arts. I've been doing this program for three years and I just love it.

I just started my second bout with Chalean Extreme, adding Turbo Jam to the mix this time. I wanted to kick it up a notch, so to speak. I'm also running often because I would like to do some marathons this year. Running has never been my strong suit. So I figure, what better way to get good at something than to just do it and do it often.

Here is a one week sample of this hybrid.

Monday - Burn Circuit 1, Punch Kick and Jam, AM 3mi run
Tuesday - Burn Intervals, Ab Burner
Wednesday -Burn Circuit 2, Turbo Jam 2, AM 3mi run
Thursday - Burn It Off, Recharge, Ab Jam
Friday - Burn Circuit 3, Turbo Jam 3, AM 3mi run
Saturday - Zumba, Fat Blaster, OptionaL Run
Sunday - rest day

My first time through Chalean Extreme I lost 16 inches over all and 11 pounds. Then I took a month break, doing whatever I felt like over then end of Summer. I started again and I'm about a week in. I'll be following this schedule for the first 30 day and then I'll move on to the Push Circuit. That will look pretty much just like this one, except different strength training exercises.
I'm going to post my progress at the 30 days mark every 30 days. So, here's day one's measurements. At day 30 I'll be posting the new measurements.

Waist - 32.5
Hips - 40
Abductors - 40.5
Chest - 33.5
R arm - 12
L arm - 12
R thigh - 22.5
L thigh - 22.5
Weight - 154

Keep coming back!

If you want to know about the programs I'm using just send me a message or go to my website. click "Shop" and look for the programs. Good luck!

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