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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Crossfit (AKA - Self-inflicted torture)

So yesterday I tried, for the first time, one of the Crossfit routines and let me say one thing...


They are HARD. Yesterday's routine consisted of as many round of 5 pull ups, 10 push up, and 15 squats as you could manage in 20 minutes. I did 8... I struggled through the last 3... but I felt pretty awesome about myself. So, then I'm checking some of the other results and man... I suck! Although, I am out of shape and a beginner at this, the average number seemed to be around 17.

I don't feel down about it. I did my best and then continued on to my normal Monday routine.

I would suggest to anyone wanting a easy-to-fit-in fitness routine. It's used by a lot of law enforcement and military training programs because these things work you. While anyone can do them whenever and where ever they want... they are effective. I've heard and read nothing but good things about Crossfit. It's absolutely awesome for someone who finds the regular methods of exercise a little boring. Now, to lure the hubby to join me....

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