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Monday, December 31, 2007

8 Simple (And Free) Exercises!

There are a few very simple exercises that most anyone can do, that cost nothing, and require no equipment. They are EXCELLENT exercises. Below is an explanation of what the exercise does for you as well as how to do it. Some of them will have links with more information.

1. Lunges - Lunges work thighs, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and butt. They can be done with or without weights. If you're a beginner do them without and work up to using weights. The great thing about these is they work a lot of the lower body at the same time. If you only have a few minutes and want to do a lower body routine, lunges are a fantastic option. You would stand with your feet about hip width apart, set forward with the right foot, dip your back leg down. Keep your upper body tall, like a plank, with your shoulders straight and your abs tight. Step back and repeat with the left. You can alternate with which foot you lead each time or do a set on one leg and then the other. I would say do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps for each leg. (Reference:

2. Squats - These do much the same as lunges because they also work the hamstrings, butt, thighs, quads, and glutes. These can also be done with or without weights and should follow the same number of reps and sets. These are done by pretending your going to sit in a chair, just without the chair. Your knees should not go further forward than your toes and your butt WILL be sticking out.... waaaay out. Then you would stand up again squeezing on the way up, always keeping your knees soft, then repeat. (Reference:

3. Crunch - Yep, just like in gym class. You... crunch! These work your abdominal muscles. There are several variations and intensities in which you can do a crunch but your basic crunch is laying flat on your back, legs bents and feet on the floor about hip width apart. Cross your arms over your chest so that your left hand is over your right shoulder and your right hand is over your left shoulder. Then you would bring your shoulders off of the ground using your stomach muscles. There are other variations that I like such as putting your legs up on a chair or lifting to bring a shoulder toward the opposite knee. A lot of people like to lace their fingers behind there head, which is fine, the problem is that the individual might end up pulling up on their neck which can cause injuries. However, if you like to do them in that fashion you SHOULD NOT be able to see your elbows and you SHOULD NOT be pulling up at your neck. Something to help you with a crunch in this fashion is placing a plate behind your head and holding onto that. It makes this style of crunch safer. :) (Reference:

4. Calf Raises - Very, very easy. Not that anything I've mentioned has been particularly difficult, but you understand. These work the lower part of the leg. You can stand flat on the ground or with your feet on the edge of a small step and slowly raises your body using your calf muscles so that you are standing only on the front part of your feet. The best thing about these is that you can do them anywhere. Do em while you're making dinner, brushing your teeth, folding the laundry, whatever. These can also be done with or without weights. (Reference:

5. Push Ups - Drop and give me 20! These aren't just for the Marines! Lay on your stomach, hands flat on the about shoulder width apart, elbows bent. Lift your body up. Your body should be like a plank, stiff and straight. Do not bow or bend your back. Lift up but still keep your elbows soft, then lower back down until your chest touches, not rests, on the ground. Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! You can do these anywhere! You can even have fun with them and do them leaning over the stairs or a low table. (Reference:

6. Jumping Jacks - These are great for burning calories and getting blood flowing and for cardiovascular health in general. Start with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Jump and put your legs about shoulder width apart and put your hands up over your head following a complete range of motion. Then jump again and drop your arms down and put your legs together. Repeat! You should be light on your feet. The jumping jack should be pretty soundless and not like a stampede of elephants. (Reference:

7. Jumping Rope - Just like when we were little kids. The cool thing about these is you don't really NEED a jump rope, you can just do the motion. This is another great cardiovascular exercise that gets your heart rate up. A jump rope really isn't expensive but it isn't necessary for the jumping and skipping involved. However, if you really want something to jump with any length of rope or clothesline would do. Hell, string some beads. At any rate, it's a good workout. It's also one that works well for the traveler because a jump rope doesn't take up much space in a brief case and can also be done anywhere. This also adds to your agility. Isn't that nice! Tennis players, boxers, and other athletes jump rope for fitness and training all the time. Remember Rocky.... yeah! (Reference:

8. Jogging/Walking - It's as old as time and probably one of the most effective exercises. I mean... what do you do? YOU WALK! You move one foot in front of the other over and over again. Now, you can do this at home with a treadmill or outside at a park, in your neighborhood, around the office when you're at work.... It doesn't matter. You can do it anywhere and walking doesn't cost you a thing! Start at walk and work up to a run! (Reference:

Some important things to remember!

With the muscle building exercises, it's not a race! Do them slow. Hell, the slower the better. You'll spend more time working the muscle. Breath out on the contraction, or the hardest part of the movement, and breath in during the resting part.

Be realistic! If you're just starting out don't expect to be able to run a 6 minute mile! Don't expect to wake up one morning instantly hot and buff. Wake up! It's going to take more work than that... but it WILL be worth it.

Set small goals for yourself. This kind of goes with the previous tip, but I thought it deserved it's own little paragraph. If you have a lot of weight to lose, or a lot of progress to make, it can be frustrating. If you have to lose 100 pounds and you think about having to lose 100 pounds you're probably going to go, "Oh screw this! I'll never get there!" and go for that ice cream container. Well, with that attitude you certainly won't. Set small goals! Make little hurdles for yourself. "This month I want to lose 10 pounds." You can do that! And when you do you'll feel really good and you'll know you've made progress.

Always remember to warm up, cool down, and stretch. Why? To avoid being injured and causing strain to muscles. It also helps to build endurance. You should do a 5-10 minute warm up and cool down and always stretch out those tense muscles.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Welcome! First Blog

First ever blog!

I got the idea from a friend, Mira (who's blog can be found in the link along the right side of this page), to make a blog of my fitness progress.

With her help I am taking on a new life. I've been a chubby chick long enough! I've begun a fitness regimen that includes a healthy diet and exercise and here I've made a blog to document the progress.

So far I've been going at it a month and so I don't see a lot of change. Instead, I feel a lot of change. I feel more energetic. I feel happier. I feel good about myself.

The point of this blog is to keep readers updated about any new fitness programs, diets, recipes, information, etc., that I come across. Those resources will be put up in a blog, as a link, or both.
