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Thursday, September 15, 2011


What is Plyometrics?

Plyometrics is the use of burst movement to improve speed and power. It is especially useful in athletic training but can be incorporated into any training regimen. The muscle is contracted (lengthened) eccentrically and then immediately contracted (shortended) concentrically.

Why Should I do Plyo?

Plyo is an excellent way to improve power. Power is combined strength and speed. Plyo is practicing actions that require strength and speed, resulting in more power. As with anything, practice makes perfect. Nearly any exercise can be made into a plyometric exercise which makes it an excellent progression. These exercises are a shock to the system so people will often see results faster, making it a good tool to get over a plateau.


Squat Jump

Plyometric Push

Box Jumps


Tuck Jumps

How Do I Do Plyo?

A warmup is prior to plyometric exercises is essential. A suitable warmup could be jogging or dynamic stretching.

Split up the exercises going for a certain number of sets and reps or have a timed circuit. Using either method, make sure there is ample recover time in between. A cool down is necessary, as well.

Avoid cement floors and wear well-cushioned shoes.


Most of the exercises require jumping so it may not be suitable for someone who is not conditioned. A complete beginner probably shouldn't do plyometrics.

Don't to overdo this kind of exercise. If overdone, our body gets used to it, making it less effective. Also, excessive training of this type causes a lot of stress to joints, particularly the knees. Plyo is best done 1-2 days a week

Form is essential in plyometics. Maintaining proper alignment and a soft landing will help avoid injuries.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Workout With a Friend

No seriously, do it!

Some people prefer to workout alone. They get "in the zone" so to speak. I am guilty of that from time to time. I blast the music and do my thing. However, research has shown, time and time again, that getting a workout partner is generally more beneficial. If you have someone to workout with you're less likely to skip a day, cheat on reps, skip a warm up, slack off, etc. Having someone there with you, to push you, and vice-verse make you more likely to reach your goals. This works at the gym or remotely.

Meet your buddy at the gym, or their house, or a park...and workout. Also, getting a personal trainer is invaluable. This is a person who (1) knows their stuff and (2) WILL NOT let you slack off.

There are also weight loss and coaching programs at a lot of gyms where you meet once a week to weigh and talk about diet and exercise. These programs focus on accountability and motivation that is nearly impossible for someone to manage on their own.

The remote buddy relationships are a little more tricky. But, being that we live in such a media-centered, technical world, there are options. There are a myriad of online site made for this very purpose. You can also send emails/text/phone calls to friends, family etc.

The main idea is STICK TO IT! Whatever you decide to do, you have to keep doing it! You have to stick to it. Sometimes that's easier with a friend.