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Monday, August 23, 2010

How Important IS water?

You always hear dietitians, doctors, fitness experts, nutritionist, etc telling you to drink LOTS of water. That's great and all, but you have questions? Is it REALLY that important? How much water should I drink? But I hate the taste of water, what do I do? And a myriad of other burning questions, I'm sure. Hopefully, I can help you with some of those questions.

Is it really that important? Yes. Water replenishes your body's fluids. Your body is about 75 percent water - or should be. If it isn't, then you're dehydrated. Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is more than the amount the body is taking in. When your body is dehydrated you may experience certain symptoms that let you know you're dehydrated. Symptoms include dry mouth/lips, dry eyes, no sweating, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting, heart palpitations and lightheadedness. Severe dehydration may cause confusion and weakness and even cause coma and death! So DRINK!

How much depends on your activity level and what you eat and where you live? Everyday your body loses water through breathing, perspiration, and .... potty breaks. So, for your body to properly function you need to replace what you use. You can do a lot of math to figure out how much exactly you need, but since I've already done it, I'll tell you - about 2 liters of water per day to replace the water your body uses to function. Or you can follow the 8X8 rule that you've heard since you were a kid. Drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. If you don't want to measure your water, a good rule of thumb is to drink enough water that you don't feel thirsty. If you are feeling thirsty, you're already behind! Also, you should be urinating pretty regularly (about 1.5 liters a day) and that urine should be pale yellow. Yum!

There are other factors, as well. If you increase your level of activity, you'll need to drink more water. However, if you do long bouts of intense activity you might want to drink a sports drink to replenish the sodium you lose. If you live in a hot or humid environment you'll sweat more and that will require additional water. If you're ill, pregnant or breastfeeding the body will also need more water.

But you HATE water? There are a lot of foods that can help with hydration. For example, watermelon or tomatoes are mostly water. Some other drinks contain water, such as tea or coffee, but caffeine also dehydrates you. So don't rely on those as a means of hydration. Just because it's wet, doesn't make it water. If you really just can't stand water or you want something with some taste, try adding a little lemon or lime juice to your water. It gives it a yummy citrus flavor without sacrificing the hydration.

Another helpful hint about water - Well, it helps with weight loss. Dehydration can halt weight loss efforts so drink plenty of it. It also helps fill you up between meals so you don't find yourself munching.

I hope this answered questions, educated, and made pour yourself a tall glass of water. Have a great day!
