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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lazy days of summer...

No kidding!

Well my family moved in the middle of July and the weeks prior and post move were NOT good workout and diet weeks. So for a month or more I either cheated a ton, didn't work out much if at all, or both! The good news is, I didn't gain any weight. I maintained the weight I was currently at. Now, for the last 2 weeks I've started up with the food journal and for the last week I've been kicking ass in my workouts again.

Even before the moving business my progress slowed to an almost dead stop and I think that was largely due to the fact that I wasn't keeping a food journal anymore. It's not uncommon for portions to gradually increase when you're not making an effort to keep them small. So, while I was still working out for most of that, I wasn't keeping my portions in check. I started keeping a food journal again in an attempt to make sure I keep my portions small. I am also reinstating something from the beginning of my weight loss endeavors - an accountability partner. I got my mommy in on it this time! For me, having to tell someone what I ate and what activities I did during the day really make me stop and reconsider, "Do I really need this cookie or ice cream?" It was an effective tool for me.

Since I've started up again with these essentials (they're essential for me) I've lost 2 pounds. That's a pound a week!

I've also ordered another installment of the Turbo Jam videos. The first pack is the one from the infomercials, I believe. I ordered the Fat Burning Elite set this time around. The idea is to have more to choose from, to mix things up and keep it different.